I spent a lovely afternoon in the newly reorganized space upstairs in the lab. I want to firstly thank Jim Tubb for being so open and excited about running a workshop with me. After he showed his work here back in July, I just knew I wanted to try this type of painting myself. My hope was that others would be interested too! We had a small group, but I hope these images will inspired others to join in next time.
It was really great to have the opportunity to sit and create something with no obligations or consequences. For busy people, having a few hours set aside to just make, is truly something to indulge in. Luckily for Jim, he gets to do this everyday! So the time just whizzed by, and in the end everyone came out with some pretty great work! Jim gave wonderful insight into the history and thinking behind abstract art, it was just enough to put us in the right mindset to create something by just letting go and seeing what comes out the other end of the brush (or pallet, or pastry cutter, etc.) He brought in a nice collection of kitchen implements that were used for mark making. He even let us in on a great trick he learned in school for making hard edges with tape and mat medium.
So here’s a photo recap of our 3 hour workshop. I’m already thinking of what I will do next to my painting, spoiler it will involve the laser cutter! Follow me on Twitter to see the results!
Lots more photos below!