The final event in the Handmade Holiday Christmas Series took place at the lab this evening with something we called WRAP IT UP!
A group of eager crafters created their own gift wrap, tags and bows. We had tons of craft supplies on hand…everything from scissors, tape, ribbon, punches, adhesives of every type, paint, continuous rollers, stamps, paper, and a couple fantastic Silhouette machines! Special thanks to Jen and Danielle of In Paper Dreams for assisting in all their craftiness!
Loved all the great things everyone made, and the creative energy in the air from our group. Thanks to all who attended!
I’ve seen so many continuous roller ideas on Pinterest, it was time to try them out for ourselves. We use a lint roller and pre-cut foam snowflake shapes with craft paint.
Yes, we had a roaring virtual fire. Tis the season.
Stamping gift wrap!
Silhouette central!
Old family photos photocopied onto cardstock + circle punch = awesome gift tag.
LOVE this.
Sometimes simple is best.
Having a grand ol’ time, crafting the night away.
Love the look of this paper stamping. Very classy with a vintage feel. Silver and gold!
I can never have too many punches.
Hmmm….they’ll never guess what’s in this bag..
I was SO excited about how awesome these turned out. Nice job Amy!
Silhouette getting ready to cut out some tags
Jen made this amazing paper bow.
Audrey with just some of her finished paper goods. The paper feathers cut out on hand marbled paper were so fantastic. I definitely made a whole stack to use on my gifts (when I finally get around to wrapping them!)
Merry Christmas!
Full resolution images can be found of my Flickr page.